
Art by [NSFW]Bright "Chimera" Dragon[NSFW]
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Name: Kritlekro Van'Lekro, Krit for short.
Age: Over 200 years old.
Pronouns: Any.
Abilities: Shapeshifting, both animate and innanimate. Special abilities do not translate to forms (E.g.If he transforms to a race that can spit acid, he can not). Sticks to his regular form usually. Realm shifting, the ability to travel between realms/universes/etc.
Likes: Knowledge and information, Wandering, Archiving, Learning, The Occult and Paranormal, The Night and Moon.
Dislikes: Purposely keeping information from the masses, Secrets, Being Forgotten.
Affiliation: The Shriktemnahk [His race].
Fashion Choice: Naked, or something simple that fits with the area he is visiting.
Physical Description: Usually anthropomorphic, with 5 eyes (2 pairs next to each other, and 1 on the forehead), 4 arms, 2 tails, a pair of horns, spikes going down his spine, ear fins with a few spikes, whiskers, and a single horn at the end of his snout, just between his nose. This horn has an equilateral triangle mark on it. This mark is always present in his forms somewhere. At the tip of his tails are three spikes. His scales are grey, and every spike and horn are bone colored. His belly scales are bone colored too, while his eyes are jade.
He has various accessories adorning his form: A collar that is always present no matter what form, with a heart shaped pendant with his name on one side. Leather bands on his arms and just above his feet, permanently fused to his body. A tail band made made of steel with a crow pendant on it, when in a form without a tail it turns into a tattoo of the crow pendant on his lower back. A genital slit piercing of a crow similar to his tail band's crow pendant, when in a form without a genital slit, it turns into a tattoo.
His insides are bright red with glowing green neon veins. On his mouth, anus, and genitals the green neon veins do not glow, and appear as a duller grey green.
Biography: Born upon a well off town in the mountains, Krit came to his world as a Shriktemnahk. Shriktemnahk are a race of shapeshifters, usually collectors of many things. Books, knowledge, art, you name it they collect it. As Krit grew, he found his passion was archiving knowledge for anyone to access it, and following off on his path as wanderlust grips him tight. He has traveled many realms through his years, and amassed various kinds of information and knowledge. Both in his own memories, and his archive.
Genitalia Description: Two pairs of breasts. Equine penis, inside of a genital slit. Ridges on the top, flare with tiny little tendrils. Imagine ribbed for her pleasure, but it's teeny tentacles. Green semen.
Other Interesting things
Voice: David Bowie
Theme Song: Crystal Cave by S.J. Tucker
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